Saturday, June 2, 2012

Summer Manifesto

Just discovered this idea on Elise's blog, which I love reading regularly:  The idea is from Ali Edwards (, another of my creative role models.  It's simple and easy, and for me, the point is to get back to the basics about what makes summer the best time of the year.  It's always been my favorite season. 
So here's mine:

1. Play outside.  A lot.
This shouldn't be a problem!  Jacob loves to play outside.  And so do I!
2. Go swimming as much as possible.
I'm hoping to start teaching the little guy how to swim a bit this year.  We'll see how that goes. 
3. Picnics!
4. Road trips.
Jacob and I have taken two road trips in the last three weeks, and fortunately he is a good traveller.  I'm looking forward to exploring more places around Iowa with him this summer.  Seeing things through his eyes makes it new and exciting.
5. Enjoy time with friends & family.
We are looking forward to a visit from my brother and nephews next month.  Jacob can't wait for his big cousins to get here.  And there's also a class reunion looming, which will be a nice opportunity to catch up with old friends.  Which is something I want to do more often. 
6. See a concert at the state fair. 
It's been a while. 
7. Family bike rides.
Daddy needs a little encouragement.  We'll work on it. 

So, pretty simple.  Really just a reminder to have fun and enjoy the summer.  Because that's what it's all about, anyway.  Summer always goes by so fast, and I want to savor every minute of it.  Hope you do the same.  Enjoy your summer.

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