Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today is the third day of May

A special day, to me, for a few reasons.  It's my awesome friend Kate's birthday (Happy Birthday to you!) and it's also what I like to think of as my parents' un-anniversary.  Thirty-nine years ago today my mom and dad got married:
from left to right: my mom's parents, Louie & Aurelia, Mom & Dad, my dad's parents, Bessie & Bud. 
May 3, 1973.  Note how no one in this photo is smiling.  Love it. 
They had a small ceremony just a few blocks away from where we live now, at the Park Avenue Christian Church right here in Des Moines.  Then, ten years later, they got divorced.  But if they hadn't made the terrible decision to get married, I wouldn't be here, now would I?  I say terrible decision simply because my parents are about as opposite as two people can get.  Which is probably why I'm a bit crazy myself! 

Also, it's a new month, so that means a new calendar page:
Papers are from Stampington & Co., vintage measuring tape, and yellow flower trim that I can't remember the brand.
I am a little behind here, as I don't have a photo of Jacob on this yet....but we're headed to the park in a bit, so I will snap one this afternoon and stick it on. 

This week Jacob and I also started planting some flowers.  This year I'm trying out some new ones, including lilies:

These were on sale for a dollar each at the Hy-Vee garden tent, so I figured what the hell.  Gardening is a lot like gambling for me.  I spend a bunch of money without guaranteed results.  But it's sure fun digging in the dirt and seeing if I can manage not to kill a bunch of flowers.  I did okay last year, so I'm hoping I can keep most of what I bought alive! 

I've also been busy working on just a few more things for Market Day this Saturday:
Like a batch of Nancy Notebooks, since I managed to pick up quite a few old Nancy Drews at the book sale.  Jacob has also been busy being creative:
Man, does he love using the paint roller.  He really gets into it.  I mean, really gets into it.  It's fun to watch him go. 

All in all, a good start to what's probably my favorite month of the year.  May is busy.  There's always a lot going on.  Lots to celebrate.  Hope you have a fabulous month.  If you're in Des Moines this Saturday, come down to Market Day and say hello!  It's also the opening day of the Farmers' Market, which is always lots of fun. 

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