Friday, May 18, 2012


Getting ready for Art in the Garden tomorrow....this is my first time at this show and I'm looking forward to it.  You can find it at Ted Lare Design Center, 2701 Cumming Ave. near Cumming.  There's more info via their website at:, just click on the events tab.  There will be a variety of art and artists at this show. 

I've brought a lot (and I do mean a lot, like upwards of 400 or so) old books into the house, courtesy of some very generous folks (big thanks to Mindy, Beth, Susan, and Kathy!) who rescued these treasures and passed them along to me.  I'm having a great time going through them and discovering some that I haven't come across before, like this one:
 I was totally delighted to find this book, because I love Lucy (many years ago I named my dear cats Lucy and Ricky, after all.)  And I have never seen a Lucy book before.  This is from 1963, a takeoff on "the popular television series featuring Lucille Ball." 

There was also an adorable Wonder Book in the boxes.  This poor old book was literally falling apart, so it was ready to be turned into a journal.  This is the first Wonder Book journal I've done:

The illustrations are absolutely adorable, so I took the time to carefully cut each page of the book individually in order to include it.  The pages are pretty brittle, but I think they'll hold up okay.  This would make a great summer mini-book or garden journal or scrapbook.  Or just a book to write or draw in too. 

These are a couple of things I'll have in my booth at Art in the Garden tomorrow, should you want to drop by and say hello.  Lots of other new stuff as well.  The show goes from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Hope to see you there! 

Also, if anyone is looking for a scrapbook or guest book for a graduating senior....there's still time if you want something a little bit different.  Get in touch if I can help you out with that. 
Happy Friday, everyone.

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