Monday, February 21, 2011

Mail Art Rocks

You know it's a good mail day when there's a crown right above your name and address.
And there are cool customized stamps and Katharine Hepburn stamps on the envelope as well.

A few days ago I received the second issue of WWRD? from Sweetwater Studio. What in the heck does "WWRD" mean, you ask? It stands for "What would Ruby do?" Ruby is the studio assistant to the fabulous Kay Sperry, artist in residence at Sweetwater Studio, and the creator of fabulous altered books, altered art, and gorgeous handmade books. I have been lucky enough to take classes and learn from her and laugh with her for the last year. Maybe you saw Kay and Ruby this past fall at the East Village Sunday Bazaar? You can also look for Sweetwater Studio on Facebook and even become a fan! If you want to know more about WWRD, a fabulous newsletter filled with art, wit, and whimsy, become a fan! I so look forward to the days when WWRD arrives in my mailbox.
In other important news, I submitted my application for a craft show today--the first one of 2011, so it's time to get in gear because spring will be here soon (I think? Not so sure looking out the window and listening to the howling wind just now, but I'll pretend to be optimistic) and then the fun will start! I have really missed loading up my tables and my inventory and seeing my craft show friends and meeting new customers. I can't wait for it to start again this year.

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