Friday, February 25, 2011


"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." --Anais Nin

For me, this quote speaks to being your true self and to chasing your dreams, whatever they may be. Life is just too short not to, don't ya think?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Eye Candy on a Dreary Day

Unusually awful day at the day job today. Thank goodness my latest order from Paper Source was waiting for me on the doorstep when I got home. Can't wait to start using these gorgeous papers in some new journals. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mail Art Rocks

You know it's a good mail day when there's a crown right above your name and address.
And there are cool customized stamps and Katharine Hepburn stamps on the envelope as well.

A few days ago I received the second issue of WWRD? from Sweetwater Studio. What in the heck does "WWRD" mean, you ask? It stands for "What would Ruby do?" Ruby is the studio assistant to the fabulous Kay Sperry, artist in residence at Sweetwater Studio, and the creator of fabulous altered books, altered art, and gorgeous handmade books. I have been lucky enough to take classes and learn from her and laugh with her for the last year. Maybe you saw Kay and Ruby this past fall at the East Village Sunday Bazaar? You can also look for Sweetwater Studio on Facebook and even become a fan! If you want to know more about WWRD, a fabulous newsletter filled with art, wit, and whimsy, become a fan! I so look forward to the days when WWRD arrives in my mailbox.
In other important news, I submitted my application for a craft show today--the first one of 2011, so it's time to get in gear because spring will be here soon (I think? Not so sure looking out the window and listening to the howling wind just now, but I'll pretend to be optimistic) and then the fun will start! I have really missed loading up my tables and my inventory and seeing my craft show friends and meeting new customers. I can't wait for it to start again this year.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We enjoyed a nice mellow weekend and started celebrating Valentine's Day (or V.D. as we like to call it) by exchanging gifts. The little guy made out like a bandit, fueling his idea that he should get a "present with trains on it" every single day. There was candy, new Starbucks travel mugs, Elmo outfits and monster truck t-shirts, and of course, trains. A good time was had by all. Jacob really seems to have the Valentine spirit and enjoyed making Valentines and handing them to Mom, Dad, and Nana. Also shown above is a bit of Valentine art that I made last year and stowed away with our V.D. decorations. So I felt the need to add a quote and just a hint of glitter to it as it seemed to be lacking that certain something. I just love the vintage Valentine that I copied and included in it; it was one that someone gave my grandpa's brother (my great uncle) many years ago. The quote I added is one by Joan Crawford: "Love is a fire. Whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell."
Happy V.D. everyone!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Mail Day

We are having a great Saturday here at home, just made a bit happier by the mailman's delivery of my etsy order of some vintage patterns! Very excited to put these ladies in a collage. So far today we have made Valentines, done a bunch of laundry, watched some Thomas & Friends, and enjoyed a delicious lunch of peanut butter sandwiches and assorted snack foods. And outside, the sun is shining, amazingly enough, so soon we are headed out for a little stroll. Life is good!

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Lovely Ladies

I'm not sure what it is about these vintage pattern gals that inspire me so much. They all look so pleased with themselves--maybe that's what it is. And of course they are all just so perfect, so skinny and well-dressed. Maybe that's part of it, too. I am also very impressed with the idea that there are people out there in the world who actually make their own clothes. I have only ever attempted to do that once in my life and I feel confident in saying it is something I won't try again. Because I wasn't good at sewing in seventh grade home ec class and I'm sure I haven't improved. And sewing machines are too expensive for me to touch.
These gals are some of my latest creations. I think the quote about marriage makes the piece on the left a perfect anniversary gift, don't you? "I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." If that doesn't describe marriage perfectly, I don't know what does.

Friday, February 4, 2011

If you're crazy and you know it....

I just love this Waylon Jennings lyric: "I've always been crazy but it's kept me from going insane." For some reason this redheaded gal seems to know what it means when you say you're crazy. I sure do! This is my motto lately. This crazy gal is available on my etsy shop if you want her for your own.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Ladies make their debut!

Yesterday was a big day for me and my collage gals...they went on display downtown in the studios of Des Moines Amplified, on level three of the Des Moines Partnership building on at 8th & Locust. The ladies are very excited to greet their public. If you're in the skywalks, stop in and say hello. You might also be lucky enough to meet my fabulous friend Belinda, without whom the gals and I wouldn't have this wonderful opportunity. Pictured above is just one of the ladies on display(and my current favorite, I really like this one!; more pics to come later in the week!