Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pattern Finds

Recently, I did something that I probably shouldn't have: installed the ebay app on my phone.  It offers constant temptation to scour for vintage patterns.  I've been demonstrating admirable restraint by not buying all the vintage patterns that are out there in the world in need of a good home.  I'm trying to be selective. Here's one I couldn't pass up:
I've always been a fan of 1960s fashions, and anything from the Camelot era in particular.  This pattern has been cut, but very carefully, and is in great condition.  I'm looking forward to attempting it at some point.  First I'll have to master zippers, but if sewing this pattern isn't motivation enough to do that, I don't know what is.

Earlier this week I happened to be near a large antique mall in the area and stopped to walk the aisles.  A few vendors had some patterns...
This is a simple pattern requiring only a button closure.  I'm going to be brave and actually attempt the button.  Version 2 looks very similar to the aqua & white print apron I made last month (using Butterick 4166), so I think I can handle it.  I need a little more practice with the buttonhole foot on my machine, but I'll get there.

What are you sewing lately?

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